Kiss the Ground in Netflix

Premiering on Netflix from September 22 onwards, a landmark documentary on the climate crisis, Kiss the Ground, is set to hit screens. It is directed by critically-acclaimed documentarians Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell, narrated by Woody Harrelson, distributed by Big Picture Ranch and Executive Produced by India-born, RJ Jain. Kiss the Ground unveils a game-changer to the climate crisis – the Earth’s own soil. Featuring the world’s leading scientists, experts, and activists, the film artfully illustrates an accessible and relatively simple solution to humanity’s greatest challenge. Kiss the Ground represents almost ten years and 300 hours of footage distilled into 87 minutes. Kiss the Ground is a call to action: There is a solution to save humanity, but we must act quickly. The film team travelled the globe shooting footage on five continents, gathering material from NASA and NOAA, and conducting interviews with international scientists, leading experts, and activists.

Rebecca Tickell said, “The Kiss the Ground movie offers a way to heal our bodies, bolster our immune systems and heal our planet.” Josh Tickell said, “This science in this film offers an unprecedented opportunity for countries like Bangladesh to sequester carbon dioxide and stabilize greenhouse gasses while bolstering farming productivity.”

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