Glenmark Pharma’s Hypertension Awareness Month reaches millions, empowers communities across India

In an inspiring move to combat hypertension, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited dedicated May as ‘Hypertension Awareness Month’, partnering with over 1,000 healthcare professionals (HCPs) from more than 250 cities and towns across India. This collaborative effort saw over 400 public awareness rallies and screening camps, directly impacting 6 million adults and shedding light on this silent killer.

The initiative’s heartwarming essence lay in the informative sessions led by dedicated HCPs, who passionately shared knowledge about hypertension’s signs, symptoms, and preventive measures. Following these sessions, blood pressure screening camps offered a lifeline for many, allowing them to check their blood pressure levels and take proactive steps toward better health. Mr. Alok Malik, President & Head of India Formulations at Glenmark, expressed the company’s deep commitment: “We aim to empower individuals to take charge of their health by detecting hypertension early. Together, we can significantly improve health outcomes for millions.”

Glenmark’s #TakeChargeAt18 campaign, along with its digital platform, further amplifies this mission, encouraging early screening for adults above 18. The launch of the world’s first-ever hypertension awareness symbol, “The BP logo”, in collaboration with the Hypertension Society of India (HSI) and the Association of Physicians of India (API), underscores their innovative approach. Hypertension affects 35.5% of Indian adults and is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the country. Glenmark’s efforts are vital as India strives to reduce hypertension prevalence by 25% by 2025. This campaign not only raises awareness but also fosters a community united in the fight against hypertension.