Rain in 8 Districts of Bengal Today!

The temperature is rising again in the state. There is discomfort during both day and night. The weather department has indicated that the temperature in the districts of South Bengal and other parts of Bengal could increase by 3-5 degrees Celsius this week. However, the good news is that the monsoon is arriving in the country earlier this year. According to the weather department’s forecast, the monsoon may enter the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on May 19. This monsoon is expected to be long-lasting and more intense.

Last year, the monsoon had stalled in North Bengal for quite some time before entering South Bengal. However, such an event is unlikely this time. For now, the heat will continue across the state. From today, Thursday, there is no significant chance of rain in South Bengal. All districts of South Bengal are expected to remain dry until May 18. Starting Friday, the discomfort due to heat and humidity will increase further.