Vodafone and Idea are the only industry players to score ratings above 4, for November and December in a row. Trai data on its MyCall Portal based on usage of Trai MyCall Application by mobile users across India highlights the voice call quality feedback provided by the users on its application. Idea received a 4.8 average indoor and outdoor call quality rating on the scale of one to five in December. Idea also said to have received a 95.95% satisfactory rating in the month. Idea has been consistent with its high-quality voice calls since it scored a rating of 4.9 and 4.8 for indoor and outdoor calls respectively in the month of November as well. Vodafone retained its second spot on the Trai charts with an average 4.3 voice quality rating and 85.05% satisfactory rating in December.
Vodafone Idea gives Higher Voice Quality