Two Killed as under Construction Well in Malappuram caves.

Two labourers died after a well under construction caved in on them here in Malappuram district on Friday. The deceased were identified as Tanur Mukkola natives Velayudhan (63) and Achutan (63).

Velayudhan and Achuthan were in the well when the tragedy took place. The well caved in and large chunk of soil fell on them and buried them alive.

The police and Fire and Rescue Services personnel joined hands with the local people to remove the soil with an earth mover. The bodies could be retrieved after a few hours.

As the well was deep, it took several hours of effort with the help of two earth movers to retrieve the bodies. The bodies were retrieved by 12 pm. The bodies were taken to the District Government Hospital.

The area had received heavy rains the other night. This presumably led to the cave in.

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