This sudden dropdown of temperature can be harmful for health

Doctors advise individuals to take precautions to protect their health since the city’s temperature has significantly dropped. According to the health department, there may be major health hazards associated with the severe weather, especially for vulnerable populations including the elderly, young people, and people with underlying medical disorders. Health professionals warn that the icy cold may cause bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory ailments. Additionally, cold weather raises blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks. Experts have recommended standard practices to keep the house warm, such as employing blowers and heaters and insulating the house to prevent drafts.

Experts recommend layering when it comes to clothes. Make sure all of your extremities are covered with woolen gloves, stockings, scarves, and hats whether you are leaving early in the morning or late at night. Experts advise against wearing clothing that is too tight since it might impede blood flow. According to Ludhiana’s district health department, it is keeping a close eye on the situation and has made sure that there are enough medical facilities and supplies accessible throughout the district. To address the issues brought on by the cold wave, health camps and awareness campaigns are being held.