Tata Trusts tie with CMC and CIHS

Tata Trusts and the Tata group have tied up with two renowned medical institutions to assist health care professionals augment skills in critical care in the management of Covid-19. The two institutions are Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore and Care Institute of Health Sciences (CIHS) Hyderabad. This is the fourth such intervention of Tata Trusts to support India in its Covid-19 response.

The Trusts’ intervention follows the Chairman, Mr. Ratan N. Tata’s statement that “urgent emergency resources need to be deployed to cope with the needs of fighting the Covid-19 crisis, which is one of the toughest challenges the human race will face.”

The curated 22-hour on-line training programmes are meant for specific staff chosen by identified hospitals and are provided free of cost. CMC Vellore’s method trains and develops master trainers, who in turn can coach wider groups in their respective facilities. CIHS Hyderabad’s method directly trains small groups. Both the institutions have designed their programmes such that participants can provide the required support to their Intensivist and ICU colleagues should the need arise.

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