Tata Motors registered Total Sales of 76,210 units

Tata Motors Limited has registered total sales grow by 27% as compared to the last year. It has announced that its sales in the domestic & international market for January 2022 stood at 76,210 vehicles as compared to 59,866 units during January 2021.
The total domestic sales performance of Tata Motors in January 2022 was 72,485 units as compared to 57,649 units in January 2021.

The total Domestic sales performance of Commercial Vehicles (including M&HCV, I&LCV, Passenger Carriers, SCV cargo and Pickup and also CV Exports) in January 2022 was 35,268 vehicles against 32,817 units in January 2021.

Total MHCVs sale in January 2022 including M&HCV Truck, Buses and International Business stood at 10,655 units, compared to 9,452 units in January 2021. According to Tata Motors, the total Domestic sale of Passenger Vehicles was 26,978 units in January 2021. It has changed to 40,777 units in January 2022.