Aarya is an upcoming crime drama series that is created by filmmaker Ram Madhvani, best known for directing Neerja. It stars Sushmita Sen, Chandrachur Singh, Sikandar Kher, Ankur Bhatia and Namit Das among others. Both Sushmita and Chandrachur are returning to the screen after a long hiatus.
Madhvani has co-directed the series with Sandeep Modi and Vinod Rawat.
Sushmita earlier said in a virtual media interaction that she had to unlearn everything to play the lead role of Aarya in the series due to the authenticity of the writing, the setting, the costumes, make-up and so on. She said, “I come from a larger-than-life screen. We are used to everything being dramatic. Our dialogues are delivered a certain way. Our make-up is done in a certain way. But with Ram Madhvani and with Aarya, I had to unlearn everything.”
She added, “I had to learn how to go from a larger than life screen to an intimate screen since OTT is an intimate platform. It was a 360-degree approach to play Aarya. His (Ram Madhvani) technique of shooting Aarya was that a full day of shooting goes on. There are no cuts, no over-shoulder, no close-ups. I haven’t looked at the monitor even once to see how I was looking,” the former Miss Universe shared.”