Several people were seriously injured in a terrible road accident in the morning. The incident has spread excitement in the entire area. The incident took place in the Kalibari area of Mathabhanga Coochbehar State Highway No. 16.
A truck loaded with goods and a bus carrying passengers from Dinhata to Siliguri collided in the Kalibari area adjacent to Mansai Bridge.
About 20 people including the bus driver were seriously injured in this incident. At about 6:45 in the morning, the residents of the area immediately rushed to the spot after hearing the sound of the collision between the two vehicles. The residents of the area rescued the injured and sent them to the Mathabhanga sub-district hospital for treatment. Fire engines and the Police of Mathabhanga police station came to the spot after receiving the information.
Several people were seriously injured in the horrific road accident in Coochbehar