Seagram’s Royal Stag has announced a high-profile partnership with Netflix’s Squid Game Season 2, merging the brand’s ‘Live It Large’ philosophy with the global cultural sensation. This collaboration is poised to offer fans a larger-than-life experience, amplifying the show’s immense popularity, especially among the younger generation. Squid Game’s affinity with K-culture allows Royal Stag to resonate with youth passion points, boosting its relevance and aspiration.
“We are thrilled to partner with Squid Game, a show that perfectly aligns with Royal Stag’s values of passion, purpose, and dreaming big,” said Joydeep Basuroy, General Manager – Marketing at Pernod Ricard India. “This collaboration gives us an opportunity to create an unforgettable experience for our audience and strengthen the brand’s emotional connection with youth culture.”
The campaign is being amplified across digital platforms, showcasing key Squid Game elements such as the iconic masked guards and symbols. Fans can also win exclusive giveaways by visiting The #PlayItLarge campaign trended on Twitter following the show’s premiere on December 28, 2024. In Siliguri, this collaboration is expected to attract the region’s vibrant, youthful audience, eager to engage with global pop culture trends. With a growing affinity for international content, Siliguri consumers are poised to embrace the excitement and social currency this partnership offers.