SAMETI conducts online trg on PPP for agriculture development: Nagaland

State Agriculture Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI) organised two-day online training programme on, “private public partnership for agriculture development” for ATMA functionaries on February 23 and 24. 

In a press release, SAMETI director principal IETC i/c, Medziphema stated that the training was aimed to motivate and be acquainted with the importance of Private Public Partnership (PPP) mode in agriculture extension and the techniques involved. 

Resource persons for the training programme were Department of Rural Development, NU, SASRD, Medziphema assistant professor, Dr. Mary N Odyuo and professor, dept. of agriculture extension NU: SASRD, Medziphema, Dr. J Longkumer. 

During the training session, the resource persons highlighted the importance of PPP mode in agriculture sector, it’s essentials towards advancing agriculture development to meet global challenges in food security, providing knowledge to widen access to technology and link farmers to market. 

Vital role on corporate social responsibility in PPP mode were also discussed with reference to three factors: sustainability, accountability, and transparency. Such information and knowledge were disseminated to the trainees for better vision in up scaling the gaps and reaching out to farmers in Nagaland. 

The training was hosted by SAMETI deputy project director, Janet Chishi and deputy project director, SAMETI, Medziphema, Yezaho Swu.

Feedbacks were received from participants and certificates were also issued. Altogether, 22 ATMA functionaries from all the districts of the state attended the online training programme.

Earlier, inaugural session and course briefing was introduced by director SAMETI & Principal IETC i/c Medziphema Dr. Watimongla Jamir

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