Over new hate speech rule Instagram head condemned Russian restriction

Russia was planned to block the access to the social media platform of citizens. The head of the Instagram said that it is a wrong step. Because this step will affect 80 million users.

The parent company Meta confirmed a temporary easing of rules to allow calls to violence like death to Russian invaders on its social media platforms. After that Moscow takes a decision to restrict access to hugely popular Instagram.

The Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri twitted that, “In Russia, Instagram will be blocked. This decision will cut 80 million citizens in Russia off from one another and also the connection from the rest of the world as in Russia 80% of people follow an Instagram account outside their country. This is absolutely wrong.”

On the backdrop of Russia’s offensive against Ukraine which has brought deaths and displacement in Ukraine, Meta has eased its hate speech policy. Since the Russian invasion started thousands of residents of Ukraine have left the country.

The global affairs president of Meta Nick Clegg described that the Meta’s hate speech policy has been eased for Ukrainians. The strategies are centered around safeguarding individuals’ privileges to discourse as a declaration of self-protection in response to a tactical attack of their country. It has been said in a statement by the top Meta official.

Nick Clegg also said that, “We will not tolerate any kind of harassment, any kind of discrimination or Russophobia and any violence towards Russians on our platform.”