NSE Foundation adds CT Scan wing at 92 Base Hospital in Srinagar

The implementation arm of CSR activities of the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSEIL), NSE Foundation has created a CT scan wing in the Indian Army’s 92 Base Hospital in Srinagar (J&K). The CT scan wing was inaugurated by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, in the presence of Lieutenant General Rajiv Ghai (15 Corps Commander) and MD & CEO of NSEIL, Ashishkumar Chauhan. The 92 Base Hospital in Srinagar (J&K) is a 598-bed multispecialty hospital. The equipment supplied is the latest model by GE (Revolution Maxima) which is a powerful, high-performing, and reliable CT scanner.

“The new wing with the CT equipment is a much-needed addition for the health and well-being of the community. It will make a real difference in the treatment protocols and outcomes of the patients in this hospital. We are happy that NSE Foundation has taken up this cause to upgrade the hospital facilities”, said Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha. Lieutenant General Rajiv Ghai, 15 Corps Commander said, “This initiative by NSE Foundation will be a key milestone for the 92 Base Hospital and provide much needed technologically superior infrastructure for critical health services delivery. On behalf of the Indian Army, I would like to express our appreciation to NSE Foundation for taking up this cause.”

MD & CEO of NSE, Ashishkumar Chauhan said, “NSE is committed to serve the cause of armed forces who play a pivotal role in selflessly protecting our country. We are honored to have this opportunity to contribute to the well-being of our soldiers, who risk their lives every day to secure our national borders. We hope that this initiative will support the healthcare requirements of both the army personnel as well as the civilians in Jammu and Kashmir.”