NSDC Partners with CamuEdTech to launch NSDC Academy’s Skills for Higher Education

National Skill Development Corporation  a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting skill development in India and Octoze Technologies have partnered to launch NSDC Academy’s Skills for Higher Education powered by Camu EdTech.

NSDC Academy and CamuEngage are partnering to provide Higher Education Institutions with digital solutions to close the skills gap between the industry and the education sector. This includes a Student Information System, Learning Management System, and Student Success Platform. They will provide range of capabilities, including placement preparation, mentoring, skilling programs, job placements, student entrepreneurship, test preparation, international admissions, research competencies, accreditations, and more.

Ved Mani Tiwari, CEO, NSDC and MD, NSDC Internationalhighlighted the urgent need for a world-class skills development program to address the challenges of imparting specialized skills for India’s growing economy. He stated, “Our vision is to ensure that we equip the youth by building their capabilities and providing them with the right prospects.This platform will serve as a hub that connects students and institutions, enabling them to achieve their placement aspirations.”