With its flagship campaign NDTV Dettol Banega Swasth India, World’s leading consumer Health and Hygiene Company, Reckitt and India’s most trusted news network, NDTV announced its journey ahead from Swasth Bharat to Sampann Bharat at a mega event in Mumbai. Laxman Narasimhan, Global CEO-Reckitt, Amitabh Bachchan, BSI-Campaign Ambassador and numerous dignitaries, celebrities and Ministers encouraged Indians towards creating a healthier planet, a healthier future with the event’s theme- ‘One Health, One Planet, One Future’.
The 12-hour long Telethon witnessed participation from prominent public figures from India and across the globe. BSI has committed to tripling its impact by directly reaching out to nearly 47 million people by 2026. The campaign aims to reach 100% primary schools in India with its Dettol Hygiene Curriculum program.
Laxman Narasimhan, Global CEO, Reckitt at the event said “With Banega Swasth India we are looking to triple our social impact by reaching out to 47 million people by 2026. Our commitment towards creating a ‘Sampann Bharat’ is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goal vision of 2030- Leave No One Behind.” Campaign Ambassador Mr. Amitabh Bachchan, said, “We need programs like Banega Swasth India to work towards good hygiene, good nutrition, sound science, clean and green environment and more affordable access to healthcare for all.”