Mizoram Minister announces a cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh for parents having the highest number of children

To encourage population increase among the demographically small Mizo people, a Mizoram minister has proposed a financial reward of Rs 1 lakh for a living parent in his seat with the maximum number of children.
The number of pupils required was not specified by Sports Minister Robert Romawia Royte. The announcement comes at a time when numerous Indian governments are pushing for population control policies. The announcement was made at a time when some Indian governments are pressing for population control.

On Father’s Day, Mr Royte stated that a live man or woman with the most number of offspring inside his Aizawl East-2 assembly seat will receive a monetary incentive of Rs 1 lakh. The person will also receive a certificate and a trophy, according to a statement released by the minister on Monday. The incentive will reportedly be paid for by a construction consulting firm owned by Mr Royte’s son. The minister stated that the Mizo population’s infertility rate and diminishing growth rate had become a severe problem because of the continuous reduction in its population, Mizoram’s population is far below the optimum number of people for development in numerous disciplines. Mr Royte stated that “low population is a severe concern and a barrier for small groups or tribes like the Mizos to exist and flourish.”

The Population Foundation of India (PFI), a non-governmental organisation, has stated that India should learn from China’s reform of its two-child policy, stating that the move demonstrates that empowering women and improving their capacities is more effective than coercive population programmes. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare told the Supreme Court in December of last year that India’s family welfare programme is voluntary.

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