MASSH Urology Camp in Siliguri to provide vital medical relief for urinary disorders

In a bid to address the growing concerns surrounding urinary disorders and kidney-related ailments, MASSH Super Specialty Hospital is gearing up to host a specialized urology camp in Siliguri on June 1st, 2024. This groundbreaking initiative aims to provide essential medical assistance and advanced treatments to residents in and around the region.

Scheduled to commence at 11 a.m. at Vanya Healthcare Clinic, the camp will feature a team of highly skilled specialists in the fields of kidney stones, urology, andrology, and uro-oncology. Spearheaded by Dr. Ankit Goel, Head of the Department of Urology, Andrology & Uro-Oncology at MASSH Super Specialty Hospital in New Delhi, the event promises to offer comprehensive medical advice, affordable testing, and treatment options for attendees. Highlighting the urgency of the situation, Dr. Goel emphasized the rising prevalence of urinary disorders and kidney-related ailments, underscoring the need for accessible and specialized care in regions like Siliguri.

Moreover, to mitigate financial constraints and logistical challenges, MASSH is extending travel assistance and discounted rates to ensure that high-quality medical care remains within reach for all participants.Mr. Hanish Bansal, Chairman & Executive Director of MASSH Super Specialty Hospital, reiterated the institution’s commitment to extending world-class medical services to underserved regions, emphasizing the transformative impact such initiatives can have on the lives of patients.