Maharaja Bir Bikram statue in Tripura

Terming Bir Vikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur the “visionary king and architect of modern Tripura”, Chief Minister Manik Saha said a statue of the maharaja would be erected near Kaman Chaumuhni in the heart of the city to pay tribute to him.

Saha made the announcement at a function organized to mark the 144th birth anniversary of Maharaja Bir Vikram Kishore on Friday night.

Terming the Maharaja as a visionary king, the Chief Minister said Bir Vikram wanted to establish a university and medical college in the state for higher education. However, he could not realize his dream as he died at a very young age but his works are still visible and admirable. We must recognize his good deeds and respect the royal family, he said.

Saha also announced that the cremation ground for the royal family near Battala, which was neglected during the previous government, would soon be renovated.