Like every year, the Kapoors gathered together to celebrate Raksha Bandhan and pictures from their get-together are sugar, spice and everything nice. Kareena Kapoor, on Monday, shared photos from the family lunch featuring herself, her husband Saif Ali Khan, their son Taimur, Kareena’s father Randhir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, her kids Ranbir and Riddhima; Rima Jain and husband Manoj Jain and their kids Armaan and Aadar, Armaan’s wife Anissa Malhotra, Randhir Kapoor’s niece Nitasha Nanda and Agastya Nanda – grandson of his late sister Ritu Nanda. That’s not it, Ranbir Kapoor’s girlfriend Alia Bhatt, as well as Tara Sutaria, who is rumoured to be dating Aadar Jain, also joined the Kapoors for lunch. Kareena’s sister Karisma Kapoor wasn’t present during the family lunch.
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