Jammu and Kashmir: CRPF jawan injured in low-intensity IED blast in Pulwama.

One Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) jawan sustained injuries when suspected militants detonated a low-intensity improvised explosive device ( IED) in south Kashmir’s Pulwama on Sunday morning.

An official said the explosives were triggered minutes after a convoy of the paramilitary CRPF passed through the Gongoo area.

“Militants had planted the low-intensity IED under a tree near Peaks Automobiles in Gongoo area of the district. The explosion followed by firing created panic in the area. A CRPF man sustained injuries in his hand,” an official said.

The IED, it said, was defused, adding that an investigation was underway.

As per reports, terrorists attacked a road-opening party of the CRPF on the Srinagar-Pulwama road. Also, as per reports, gunfight ensued after the low-intensity blast took place. The entire area was immediately cordoned off and a search was mounted by the forces to nab the terrorists.

The injured jawan was referred to the medical facility in the camp for treatment.

CRPF spokesman said they are investigating whether the convoy or the ROP was the target of the bomb, further adding that the jawan had suffered minor injuries and was being treated locally.

On February 14 last year, a local Jaish militant Aadil Ahmad Dar rammed his explosive-laden vehicle into a CRPF convoy at Lethpora, Pulwama on Srinagar-Jammu national highway killing 40 paramilitary personnel and injuring many others.

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