Simon Sebag Montefiore, a British annalist, mooted his recent book “ The World A Family History of Humanity ” in an interview with an Indian annalist ManuS. Pillai. In the book, Simon Sebag Montefiore explores how people and families have played a part in the conjunctions and divergences in world history. The two- part book was firstly published on 27th October 2022, published by Hachette India. Beginning with the way of a family walking along a sand times agone, Montefiore takes the compendiums on an grand trip through the families that have shaped the world, including the Caesars, Medicis, Incas, Benches, Mughals, Bonapartes, Habsburgs, Zulus, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Krupps and Churchills.
In the book, Simon Sebag Montefiore explores how people and families have played a role in the convergences and divergences in world history