Glenmark introduces higher strength of FabiFlu

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals announced that it will introduce a 400 mg version of oral antiviral FabiFlu, for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in India. The higher strength will improve patient compliance and experience, by effectively reducing the number of tablets that patients require per day. The 200 mg dosage of FabiFlu required patients to take 18 tablets on Day 1 (nine in the morning and nine in the evening), followed by 8 tablets each day thereafter for a maximum of 14 days. With the new 400 mg version, patients will now have a more relaxed dosage regimen, with 9 tablets required on Day 1( 4.5 in the morning and 4.5 in the evening), and thereafter 2 tablets twice a day from Day 2 till end of the course.

Explaining the significance of this development, Dr Monika Tandon, Vice President & Head, Clinical Development, Global Specialty/Branded Portfolio, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd., said, “Being the first company to launch Favipiravir in India, we continue to innovate and seek new treatment options for Covid-19 patients. The 200 mg dosage of FabiFlu was developed in line with global formulations of the drug Favipiravir. The 400 mg version is a result of Glenmark’s own R&D efforts to improve the treatment experience for patients in India.”

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