Gajoldoba Bridge has been completely closed, tourists are in trouble

The Paromunda Karotoa Bridge in Ambari connecting Gajoldoba and Siliguri A part of the bridge collapsed on Sunday afternoon. As soon as it was noticed, the noise started in the area. After that, the administration stopped traffic through that bridge. From Siliguri on one side and Fulbari on the other, one has to cross this flyover and pass Paromunda Karotoa to Gajoldoba.

Ambari police and officials of the works department reached the spot after getting the information about the crack in the bridge. After inspecting the bridge, the chief architect of the works department, Ajit Saha, said, “The bridge is in this condition due to heavy vehicle traffic. Now we have to stop the traffic and work in a new way.” But Ajit is not sure when the bridge work will start. He said, “There is no traffic situation on the bridge. ‘Load Capacity’ has failed. Actually many old bridges are made by the irrigation department. The bridge was built keeping in mind the load capacity of that time.

After constructing this flyover, Gajoldoba is convenient for local people and tourists. It was easy to get through the middle of the forest through the traffic jam. However, as a result of the closure of the bridge, we now have to travel around 10 to 12 km to reach Ghazoldoba.