G20: Three-day Science20 conference begins in Agartala

Two day conference of second meeting of the Science20 engagement group is being held at Agartala in Tripura from 3 to 4 April. On the first day of the conference, India emphasised that efficient clean energy can be accessed only through scientific progress. Therefore, to achieve success in this direction, India gave the message that new developments in clean energy, science, and technology are required. We all need to build a just, sustainable future with innovations and have to work together.

The theme of this Science20 meeting is ‘Clean Energy for a Green Future’, in which 70 Representatives from across the world are taking part. It is an important opportunity for a State like Tripura to host foreign delegates and present itself on the global map.

In his introductory address, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India, Mr. Ajay Sood said that the world is faced with unprecedented issues which require immediate action to save the future. He said that these issues cannot be postponed any further. He quoted Prime Minister Narendra Modi where he said that innovation is important not just for combating climate change, but also for climate justice.