Dress code implemented for women, girls in three temples in Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand temples authority has come up with new dress code rules for girls and women which states that atleast 80% of body should be covered and must prefer Indian traditional dresses.

Shrimahant Ravindra Puri, Secretary of Mahanirvani Akhara and President of Akhil Bhartiya Akhara Parishad told ANI “On behalf of Mahanirvani Akhara, an appeal has been made to women and girls that if they are coming for temple worship, then they should wear clothes according to Indian tradition and should cover 80% of their body. Only then they will get entry into the temple”, he added.

The rule has been implemented in three major temples that belongs to Mahanirvani Akhara in Uttarakhand.

The temples include Neelkanth Mahadev Temple in Pauri district, Tapkeshwar Mahadev Temple in Dehradun and Daksh Prajapati Temple at Kankhal in Haridwar, he said.

“Women and girls cannot enter these three temples wearing short clothes. These three temples come under Mahanirvani Akhara,” Puri added.