Demolition of Nodia twin tower within seconds

On Sunday the illegally built Supertech twin towers in Noida were Pull down. The closest residential complex was just nine metres away and the residents had complained that the illegal towers blocked their view. It took 9 seconds to deploy the whole twin within seconds. The illegally built Supertech twin towers, a series of controlled explosions reduced the 100-metre tall structures to a mountain of rubble –witnessed by thousands nearby audience from surrounding rooftops and lakhs of people view the  live telecast on television. The authority has list the 100 in the neighbourhood to see for illegal constructin. The majority of these buildings received approval around the same time as the twin towers, between 2009 and 2014

The Supreme Court has pass the ordered of demolition a year back, saying there had been “collusion” between the builders and Noida Authority officials who let Supertech Ltd construct in the area where no buildings were to come up according to the original plans.The builders paid for the demolition, which cost about Rs 20 crore. According to the report, the company has to face a huge loss around Rs 500 crore. Which includes land, construction and interest costs? A team from Edifice Engineering and South Africa’s Jet Demolitions – the two companies that carried out the challenging task – the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) and the Noida Authority began a structural audit of the adjoining buildings.

The twin tower demolition is the biggest demolition seen in the country A drone shot, shared by journalist Nikhil Choudhary on Twitterwhen the building collapsed, it captured the cloud of dust rising obscuring the very final moments of the structures that the Supreme Court had ordered a year back to be demolished. The floors of the twin towers collapsed onto each other in a stack as thousands watched from vantage points outside the ‘exclusion zone’ in Noida’s sector-93A on the outskirts of New Delhi.