Delhi recorded zero fatality

Delhi recorded zero fatality on Friday and 174 Covid cases, with a positivity rate of 0.45 per cent, according to data shared by the health department.

The loss of life remains at 26,140 and the quantity of dynamic cases is 860, the office said in a notice.

The quantity of COVID-19 tests led a day prior remained at 38,795, it said, adding that the inspiration rate has declined for the city.

The quantity of everyday cases in Delhi has been on the decay in the wake of contacting a record high of 28,867 on January 13. The city had recorded an inspiration pace of 30.6 percent on January 14.

The quantity of regulation zones, which were additionally leisurely decreasing in this period, likewise enlisted a plunge in its build up to 3,578 on March 11, as per official figures shared by the wellbeing office.