The latest addition to its soundbar range has been introduced by Sony India – HT-G700. The new HT-G700 is a 3.1ch Dolby Atmos and DTS:X soundbar that brings a new level of the impressive cinematic-audio environment to any home entertainment set up. It couples immersive cinematic surround sound with clear dialogue. The HT-G700 comes with a powerful, wireless subwoofer with a larger cabinet size that delivers a deeper, richer bass sound. Finally, set-up with a TV is quick and easy via Bluetooth or HDMI eARC/ARC. The new model offers a powerful and immersive sound so that customers can stay entertained while staying safe at home.
The HT-G700 is great for music, creating a rich, detailed listening experience. It delivers 400W power output with 7.1.2 surround sound to deliver a theatre-like immersive audio experience. It also offers a dedicated centre speaker so that vocals can be heard clearly, whether it’s a quick-fire dialogue in TV shows or whispered lines in a Hollywood movie. HT-G700 soundbar is available in best-buy price at Rs 39,990 across Sony retail stores (Sony Center and Sony Exclusive), portal, major electronic stores and another e-commerce website in India from 29 July onwards.