Bombay High Court harmonizes copyright authority

The Bombay High Court has orchestrated a historic ruling on January 24, 2024, affirming the copyright authority of music licensing titans, Phonographic Performance Ltd. (PPL) and Novex Communications Pvt. Ltd. The judgment, a symphony for the music industry, obliterates the need for registration as copyright societies, marking a defining moment in the evolution of copyright law.

G.B. Aayeer, CEO of PPL, hails the verdict as not just a win for the company but a triumph for the entire music industry. This harmonious decision reinforces the rights of copyright owners and exclusive licensees, providing PPL with potent tools to combat infringement that undermines the investments of genuine music labels.

Key findings include the affirmation of PPL’s owner and exclusive licensee status, empowering it to issue licenses under Section 30. The court’s verdict not only brings clarity to PPL’s legitimate business operations but also sets a significant precedent in the Indian copyright landscape.