Beyond Wood: INDIAWOOD 2024’s impactful stories

Brace yourselves for a grassroots perspective on INDIAWOOD 2024, the woodworking and furniture production extravaganza slated for February 22-26 at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre. Citizen journalists are gearing up to unravel the stories behind this global summit, bringing you a unique, on-the-ground insight.

INDIAWOOD 2024 is not just a local affair; it’s a global convergence of over 950 companies from 50 countries, transforming Bangalore into a hub of woodworking innovation. Citizen journalists aim to capture the essence of this international spectacle, exploring the diverse technologies and ideas that will be on display across 75,000+ square meters.

Beyond the glitz, citizen journalists will delve into the local impact. With a booming $32 billion industry and recent government initiatives like the National Transit Pass System and the PRAMAN certification scheme, INDIAWOOD 2024 holds the potential to reshape the landscape of India’s woodworking and furniture production sector. From small-scale artisans to industry leaders, citizen journalists will be on the lookout for the stories behind the booths. INDIAWOOD 2024 is not just about numbers; it’s about the people, their innovations, struggles, and triumphs in a rapidly evolving industry.