Bandhan Mutual Fund announce the launch of Bandhan Retirement Fund

The Bandhan Retirement Fund was launched by Bandhan Mutual Fund with the intention of providing long-term capital appreciation by investing in a combination of equities, debt, and other instruments to assist clients realize their retirement goals. The fund’s dynamic asset allocation approach allows investors to participate in the equity market’s upside while cushioning the possible loss during a market decline. The New Fund Offer will begin on September 28, 2023, and will end on October 12, 2023.

The Bandhan Retirement Fund has a five-year lock-in period to keep investors’ emotions at bay and encourage long-term investment. Its equity investment framework focuses on quality companies with long-term growth and justified valuations. A minimum equity holding requirement of 65% is maintained through hedged equity allocation. The debt portfolio is diversified across quality instruments like GSec, SDL, Corporate Bonds, and Money Market Instruments.

Highlighting why retirement planning is a critical goal, Mr. Vishal Kapoor, CEO, Bandhan AMC Limited (Bandhan AMC) said, “Investors looking for a retirement product that combines the benefits of diversification, tax efficiency, and the potential to beat inflation over the long term could consider investing in Bandhan Retirement Fund.”