Aakash Live student Arnab Pati tops West Bengal

A student of Aakash Live, Arnab Pati has made the institute and the state proud by securing Rank 1 in the National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) Stage-I in West Bengal. Arnab scored 191 out of 200 marks and qualified for the next stage of the national exam. The student emerged as topper in the state and cleared the national-level scholarship examination.

Mr Aakash Chaudhry, Managing Director, Aakash Educational Services Limited (AESL) congratulated Arnab and said, they are proud that their student, Arnab has secured top position in the state. It is the result of the hard work, the support of their parents and the quality test preparation imparted at Aakash, he added.

Aakash Institute aims to help students in their quest to achieve academic success. It has a centralized in-house process for curriculum and content development and faculty training and monitoring, led by its National Academic Team. Noteworthy, under the present scheme, the NTSE scholarship is awarded to candidates for pursuing courses in science and social science up to doctoral level and in professional courses like medicine and engineering up to second-degree level. Identification of talent comprises a two-stage selection process.

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