2 flights sending by Air India to evacuate trapped Indians from Ukraine

The Modi government has decided to evacuate Indians trapped in the war-hit country Ukraine. Air India is sending two flights to airlift the Indian citizens from Ukraine via Bucharest.

The Indian evacuation teams have reached to the Romanian borders which is roughly 12 hours drive from the capital of Ukrainian Kyiv. As the airspace closed for civilian flights, the Indians will be boarding flights at Bucharest to return home safely. Several Indians have taken refuge in the Indian embassy in Kyiv. There were reports about shelling around that embassy premises but no damage has been done yet.

The Ministry of External Affairs set up a 24×7 control room in the national capital to monitor the entire evacuation process. The embassy had also advised the Indian nationals to take shelter in the nearest bomb shelter or bunkers in case of shelling in the vicinity.

The external affairs ministry has also shared contact details of officials who can be approached by Indian citizens after cross the Ukrainian border with respective countries. . As flights have been suspended, entering these countries through land route by crossing the border remains the best option for Indians who want to leave Ukraine now.

The Indian embassy in Kyiv in its advisory notice had urged all Indians to leave Ukraine as soon as possible.

The embassy said, “All Indian students should leave Ukraine in view of the escalating military tension with Russia. In view of the uncertainties of the current situation in Ukraine, Indian nationals in Ukraine, particularly students whose stay is not essential may consider leaving temporarily.”

MoS external affairs V Muraleedharan had assured families of stranded Indians to bring their near and dear ones from the conflict-hit eastern European nation.

He said, “The MEA is taking steps to bring back about 18,000 Indians including students from Ukraine. As the air space in Ukraine is closed, alternative arrangements are being made for the evacuation of Indian nationals. The central government will ensure the safety of all Indians.”